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Randy Mitchell

Office: PA 209
Phone: (812) 237-2748

Randy MitchellRandy Mitchell is the principal trombone in the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. He has performed with the New Louisville Brass Quintet, Louisville Orchestra and the Kentucky Opera Association Orchestra. For eight years, while a faculty member at Texas Wesleyan College, he worked as a free-lance musician in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. He has performed for artists such as: Vic Damone, Barbara Eden, Brenda Lee, Boots Randolph, Nancy Wilson, Marilyn McCoo and Liza Minelli among others. During the summer, Dr. Mitchell teaches on the faculty of the Indianhead Arts Center Jazz Camp in Shell Lake, Wisconsin. He is a member of the International Trombone Association and International Association of Jazz Educators. Dr. Mitchell is active as a performer, adjudicator and clinician. He is an affiliate artist/clinician for Benge/King Trombones, a division of United Musical Instruments, Inc.

D.M.A. University of North Texas Masters degree; M.M. University of Louisville; B.S. in Instrumental Music Education, Indiana State University.