

办公室:FA 402
Phone: (812) 237-2731
电子邮件: 特里.迪安@byum.net


特里L. 迪安 is Associate Professor of 音乐ology 和 性别研究. He holds the Master of Arts 和 Doctor of 哲学 in Historical 音乐ology from The University of Georgia, where he specialized in Russian 和 Soviet music.

Dr. 迪安’s research interests focus on the relationship between Sergey Prokofiev’s opera aesthetic 和 the nineteenth-century Russian opera tradition, with particular emphasis on the context of this relationship with Soviet Socialist aesthetics. In addition to his work on Russian 和 Soviet music, Dr. 迪安’s scholarly interests include primitivist aesthetics, Russian horn music, simfonizm in the works of Dmitri Shostakovich, 和 issues of gender in Russian 和 Soviet opera. Beyond Russian music studies, Dr. 迪安 has done work in the areas of music history pedagogy 和 American musical theater. In addition to his work in musicology, Dr. 迪安 completed graduate work in horn performance at West Virginia University 和 remains an active performer of chamber 和 orchestral music. His principal teachers were Virginia Thompson (WVU) 和 Jean Martin-Williams (UGA).

Dr. 迪安 has presented his research at regional 和 national conferences including meetings of the American 音乐ological Society. He is a contributor of articles 和 reviews in Three Oranges: The Journal of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation, Fontes Artis 音乐ae, Russian Review, 和 the forthcoming research companion Rethinking Prokofiev (Oxford University Press) as well as the encyclopedia 音乐ians 和 Composers of the Twentieth Century.

目前, he is working on articles concerning the musical 和 dramaturgical relationships between Prokofiev’s 战争与和平 和 Rimsky-Korsakov’s 来自 as well as a book on the activities of the Rachmaninoff Memorial Fund 和 its piano competition. Active in the scholarship of teaching 和 learning, Dr. 迪安 has also published pedagogical writings in Engaging 学生: Essays in 音乐 PedagogyInformation Literacy in 音乐: An Instructor’s Companion.

Prior to coming to his appointment at Indiana State University, he served on the faculties of Gainesville State 和 Piedmont Colleges in Georgia. He also taught courses through the University System of Georgia’s Independent 和 Distance Learning Program 和 worked as part of The University of Georgia Writing Intensive 和 荣誉项目s. 在ISU, Dr. 迪安 teaches courses in music history, 流行音乐, 世界音乐, 和 research methodologies/music bibliography as well as LGBTQ studies for the 性别研究 Program.

Ph.D. University of Georgia
M.A. University of Georgia
B.A. West Virginia University