Register a Program Involving Youth

Indiana State University’s Policy 901 Programs Involving Minors, 和 Procedures for Programs Involving Minors describe ISU’s expectations of the Sponsoring Program/部门* interaction with youth programs, to help ensure the safety of youth while in the University's care. 

In order for a Programs Involving Youth to be recognized 和 supported by Indiana State University, the University Responsible Party** shall comply with the following:  

1. 项目登记

2. 背景调查

  • 完成 事件授权表格 
  • 将填妥的表格交回 塔米Weinzaphel-Smith at 塔米 人力资源. 
  • 所有成年人 和 non-student volunteers that will be interacting with youth must have gone through a criminal background check 和 a check of the national sex offender registry 在过去的四年里.
  • 所有成年人 和 non-student volunteers who will be present for youth programs must have undergone a criminal background check 和 a check of the national sex offender registry 在过去的四年里
  • The Office of 人力资源, in consultation with the Office of 总法律顾问, will review any adverse findings 和 make appropriate recommendations.
  • 联系 人力资源 regarding background checks at  ISU-Human资源

3. Waiver, Release 和 Indemnification Agreements

  • The Responsible Party must ensure that participant waiver, release 和 indemnification agreements are signed by a parent or legal guardian for each 孩子 participating in a Program. 
  • It is recommended that programs also collect health/medical consent to treat forms whenever a minor child will be: staying overnight, 校外旅行, consuming food while in the care of a Responsible Party, or volunteering in a laboratory. 
  • The Responsible Party shall maintain the signed waivers for two years after the child attends a youth program or camp on campus. The Responsible Party may submit waivers 和 forms to the 校园青少年活动 Director for archiving. 
  • 豁免书可在此查阅:  

4. 培训

  • 所有成年人, 包括国际州立大学学生, working for or volunteering in a Program or event involving 孩子ren must go through training. 
  • 提供培训 在这里 和 must be completed every two years. If you do not see the following courses: Protecting 孩子ren: Identifying 和 Reporting Sexual Misconduct 和 Protecting 孩子ren: Shine A Light, 联系 Jolyn奥斯本 风险管理:
  • Evidence of completion of training will be required for audit purposes.

5. Exemptions to the Protection of 孩子ren Policy

  • 公众活动(e).g., basketball or football games, concerts, theater productions)
  • Minors who are enrolled as students of the University
  • Minors on campus as part of a group, one-time day visit supervised by an organization (e.g., field trips for the purpose of attending a performance or a campus tour).
  • Minors who are accompanied by their parent/legal guardian.
  • Off-campus programs not administered or supervised by ISU that may utilize ISU faculty, students or 工作人员 in any capacity (e.g. off-campus service-learning, internships, student organization volunteer activities).

Whether an activity is covered by one or more of the exclusions listed above or not, anyone who has reason to believe that a child is a victim of child abuse or neglect has an affirmative duty to make an oral report to 孩子 Protective 服务 (1-800-800-5556) or to local law enforcement, including the ISU Police 部门 (812-237-5555).


*Sponsoring Program/部门 is defined as University faculty, 工作人员, 和 students who come into 联系 with 孩子ren through their involvement in Programs, 和 volunteers not otherwise associated with the University who come into 联系 with 孩子ren through their involvement in Programs.

**The Responsible Party is defined as the adult ultimately responsible for the Program.